Dear customer. Some of you are aware of our policy regarding terb members. Some needs to be reminded.
Any terb member who calls TAG and informs the operator that he is from terb, will NOT be booked.
It is just better for us if we don't know that you are a terb member. We want a good customer and that is anyone, including terb members, who calls and sticks with our protocol.
As for those who wish to express positive views about TAG - we don't need any posts on any review boards. A long time ago TAG initiated programs to wean our dependency on review board opinions.
Our business practice is simple. We try our best to make your visit as safe and as pleasurable as possible. We are currently optimizing the booking process to make your time more manageable.
Our web site has an open posting policy. If you have comments negative or positive, you can post them there on the girl’s page.
And I will add one more thing. This is NOT about us losing business. I am just tired of banning guys who under normal conditions would be good customers. And for those who recently got banned from TAG - we wish you all the best. You can take that with some grace or you can do what some have chosen to do.
TAG will continue the NO NAME provider program and will add two more well deserving members. And as before, TAG will pull them from the schedule when we feel it is no longer in the girl’s best interest to work.
Tutu @ TAG.